
Wasps in garden help?

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in my garden we have wasp fling everywhere. does any one know a way of keeping them away from a certain area




  1. It's funny that we never notice wasps flying about earlier in the year. They only seem to bother us in ate summer.

    That's because in the spring and early summer they are carnivorous - meat eaters - and they eat all sort of pests in the garden. They are being really helpful.

    Later their diet changes to sugary things and we call them the pests!

    You can make a simple wasp trap from a 2 litre plastic drink bottle. Cut off the top 4 inches and turn it upside down. Push it into the rest of the bottle so it looks like a funnel set into the top. Punch two holes at opposite sides of the top rim and thread string though to hang it up. The string also helps hold the two sections together.

    Make a mixture of water, cheap jam and a spoonful of vinegar and two drops (yes drops) of washing up liquid. Pour this into the container until it's a third to halfway full.

    The vinegary/jammy mix attracts the wasps to fly down into the container and they can't find their way out again. When they land on the water the washing up liquid has changed the surface tension of the water and they can't walk on its surface any longer - they drop right through and drown.

    If you have a lot of wasps and flies you may have to empty it out and refill because if it gets really full they can stand on each other's heads and walk out!

    Place this somewhere away from your sitting area and you'll make yourselves a wasp free zone.

  2. The best you can do is attract them elsewhere & trap them. Hang up some bottles half-full of sugary water, they go in after it and can't get out.

  3. i put a plastic container with hot water honey or sugar anything sweet and they all drown
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