
Waste managment?

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What is waste managment? What does it consist of? eg. reducing, recycling... pls telll ma at least 5 things it consists of and what is waste managment exactly PLS xxxx




  1. Waste management is the collection, transport, processing, recycling or disposal of waste materials.

    There is a need for a complete rethinking of "waste" - to analyse if waste is indeed waste. A rethinking that calls for WASTE to become WEALTH,REFUSE to become RESOURCE,TRASH to become CASH.

    There is a clear need for waste disposal that is focussed on municipalities and uses high energy/high technology, to move more towards waste processing and waste recycling decentralized administration of waste, minimizing environmental impacts, reconciling investment costs with long-term goals.

  2. Social, economical and scientific ways of managing waste is waste management. In this system, waste can be managed in following ways:

    1. Reduce: Use the resource less so that waste is generated less so easy to manage. Eg, unpacked materials, printing both sides of paper

    2. Reuse: Use most of the usable materials and after its use the left material could be a resource for others purpose, if so use it again.  Eg, Old tires in play ground

    3. Recycle: Convert the material in another form to use it again an again without using the new resources. Eg, instead of mining the aluminum, recycle the cans.

    4. Landfill: Taking the waste from cities to a proper site to fill a degraded land to minimize the environmental and health impact to people.

    5. Composting: Converting the degradable materials in waste (organic materials) to fertilizer or compost. The compost can be used in kitchen garden or indoor plants or even in the agricultural field minimizing the use of chemical fertilizers.
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