
Wasted Billions on un elected EU gravy train?

by Guest21458  |  earlier

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The Auditors have refused to sign off the EU's books for the pasr 11 years because of corruption isn't it time we withhelp our membership fees untill the books have been cleared by the Auditors




  1. The whole bangshoot should be dismantled and the members,or such as hold themselves to be of this status brought to trial for defalcation and embezzlement.

         The whole EU construction was designed to enrich individuals and big business in Europe.Crime flourishes,illegal immigration likewise.Kohl cannot answer questions before a court as he has given his "word of honour"-the joke of the century.Destroy the EU,please!

  2. You have to ask yourself, do the other EU countries have better politicians than we do?

    If they do, then you shouldn't mind them governing us.

    If they don't, then you should stop complaining about our lot.

  3. Yes we should and if all the money saved was spent on cleaning hospitals, then hundreds of lives would be saved every year from mrsa etc.

  4. The country`s that join the EU but have nothing to give to the EU are not stupid, they gain everything and lose nothing.

    Unlike the UK.

  5. it`s a run away train.every member state wants more out than they put in ,it`s time for a referendum to get an agenda for or against the union.

  6. The finances of EU must be made public to citizens of EU countries since they are the ones affected of the corruption.

  7. The corruption of Government is universal and recommend viewing the one person who has spent years exposing this, namely David Icke.

  8. Yes it is high time.  The EU, like many 'institutions' in the UK is riddled with fiddles/  Expenses for this, expenses for that,  I must buy a third home now with taxpayers money 'cos two aren't enough....    It's no longer a gravy train, it's one of pure gold and diamonds.  

    What great big mugs we. the taxpayers are.,........

  9. Yet one more perfect reason to get out of this dishonest ,corrupt shite.

  10. hats off to them - they arn't stupid. Hitler and napolean and countless others tried taken over europe with force, the EU has done it without firing a shot. They just barrage people with statisitcs and beauracracy until they just cant be bothered. Im sure theres some guy sitting in a big chair stroking a white fluffy cat. The keep trying to push this pathetic treaty/constitution thing which is the same thing and everyone knows it (the first big mistake the EU has made, people are starting to notice their up to something). We keep being told that we wont lose this power and that power but 5 years down the line those powers are being handed over. Like the Italian kid who knifed his headteacher, when he served his 10 years (pathetic) our government wanted to throw him out, but guess what, the EU told them they wern't allowed. Yes we have power to vote for eu mps but they people who run the show cannot be voted in or out - surely thats a dictatorship, isn't it?

  11. No.

    We should not withoold our membership fees based on this.  As long as we are a member of hte EU, we should be working to making it better.

    However, I do think that we should have a referendum on being in Europe.  Not just one limited to the EU treaty (or consitution if you want to call it that), but one on our continued membership of it.

    And for the record, you elect MEP's to the EU.  It is up to you if you want to vote in the elections.  And our elected leaders are also involved in making Europe function.

    If you want to vote us out of the EU without a referendum, vote UKIP or for the BNP.

  12. It is one large dysfunctional gravy train.....for sure...

  13. thoroughly agree with you my friend auditors are there to do a job if they see some irregularities and it would appear they have done just that, Our membership fee should be withheld until all is put right, if there is nothing wrong why then the reluctance to have these books examined by the auditors, They Were Appointed

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