
Wat's contrast mean in lcd & plasma tvs?

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contrast is 1 of the feature of lcd & plasma tvs which i dun understand....




  1. Contrast means detail.

    When you see an actors face, you may notice a small scar from acne.  But you dont really see the imperfection, you see the contrast to the surrounding skin.  More contrast means more apparent detail.

    In a simple sense - you take 2 pixels right next to each other. Have one go pure black and one go pure white. Measure the difference in light output and you get 'contrast'.  The larger the difference - the better the television.

    But there is static and dynamic contrast and different ways of measuring.

    The same TV can have 3000:1 static contrast ratio, and 18000:1 dynamic contrast ratio.

    So it's no longer a good measure of a TV quality.

  2. Read the article at the 1st link.  Basically it's the ratio between the whitest white and blackest black. More is better ... but numbers can (and often do) lie because there is no standard way to measure (See 2nd lInk).

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