
Wat are some ways to prevent the number of car accidents? What r some distractions that lead to car accidents?

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Wat are some ways to prevent the number of car accidents? What r some distractions that lead to car accidents?




  1. stay home

  2. A leading cause of accidents is following too close.  To prevent, keep back a little from the car in front of you so you can come to a stop without hitting it if you have to.

    Distractions - everything is a distraction, even the traffic itself.  Conversations, phone calls, the radio/CD player, cell phones.

  3. Besides the obvious distractions, like the radio, cell phone, not paying attention, etc., the best way to avoid accidents is to slow down a little.

    Had a teacher explain it to us a long time ago.  Two kids were going the same place and left at the same time, the distance was only a couple of miles, one went the speed limit and the other one went at either 15 or 20 mph over the limit.  The time difference between the two was only seconds apart.  So the speeding wasn't really worth it.

    Finally, there is the problem of people following too close.  Always leave a space of 2 seconds time from their rear bumper to your front bumper.  The faster you go, the more space that is needed to keep the 2 seconds spacing.

    good luck and drive safe.

  4. Prevention:

    Be aware of cars/people around you

    Pay attention

    Use your signals


    Talking to passengers

    Changing CD's/MP3's

    Cell Phones

    Shaving/puttng on make-up



  5. The 1#  distraction is that mom walking down the street with a monstrous *** in super tight jeans,with the thong strings tightly around her waist.Thats what caused me to crash a year ago.I turn to look at her and hit the curb.

  6. Pay attention..................


    Somehow, distractions outside the car aren’t nearly as deadly as those inside the car. Maybe it’s because at least the driver is looking outside. The best thing is to have a carpool and let your riders describe these distractions to you while you get everyone safely to your destination.

    Other accidents. Don’t you just love the term “gapers’ block?” Unlike good turns, one bad accident does not deserve another. Instead of looking at the accident, you should be especially careful, watching out for all the other gapers.

    Billboards. How is it that the same people who can’t stand five seconds of a television commercial will spend more than that time reading a billboard? Take a speed-reading class or save the rest of the billboard until tomorrow.

    Naked hitchhikers. We can’t in good conscience tell you to ignore this if you should be so lucky as to encounter it. Be careful, though, if you should pick up the hitchhiker; inside-car distractions are much more dangerous.

    The world in general. If you are old enough to remember those great commercials that sang “See the U.S.A. in your Chevrolet,” then you are old enough to know better. If you want to see all the sights, do it in half-second bites or stop the car and get out.

    The weird things people are doing in their cars. No, this is not just a segue to the next section. If that other driver is doing something weird or stupid and you are watching him, then neither of you is watching the road. This is like the gapers’ block, only you are watching an accident waiting to happen.


    Funny how such a little space can be so much more fascinating than the typical highway’s dozen or so two-ton wheeled projectiles that surround you and can merge their metal with your marrow in less than four seconds.

    But today’s cockpit is a panoply of pretty lights and pushbutton possibilities, and those are the distractions that you can (and definitely should) know well enough not to have to look down at for more than a second.

    Just remember: if your car is going sixty miles per hour, you just went more than half a football field in the two seconds you were looking down – unless you hit something along the way.

    Eating. Depending on who you ask, it’s either just ahead of or behind cell phones as the number-one distraction. Besides the driving with one hand, you’re constantly looking down to pick up your drink or put down your food. Plus, you spill something and you’re big-time distracted. You spill something on yourself and you are mega-disaster-distracted.

    Cell phones. As more and more phones get more and more complex, the driver spends more and more time looking away from the road. Compared to the typical Blackberry, a color tv is less distracting. Added to that, is the one-handed driving. Plus, scientists contend that talking on the phone distracts your mind, which slows down all of your reaction times.

    Children. The tonal range of children is a survival tool: the sounds they emit demand immediate attention. But, if either you or your children are going to survive, you must anticipate all of their distracting demands before you back out of the driveway, and have a half-second solution. Or, train yourself to put up with the ear-splitting dementia until you are safely stopped.

    Stereo and Radio. Even if you are the hunt and peck type, when it comes to everything on the dash, you must learn to trust your fingers – or stick with the adjustments you made before you put it in gear, until you can stop or have a passenger fiddle with it.

  7. The main cause of accidents is not paying attention to your surroundings. Talking on cell phones, putting on makeup, playing with the radio are all things that take your mind off your driving.

  8. Pay attention to what you are doing. Don't tail gate, keep your temper in check and put that cell-phone away. Everytime I see an almost accident there is always someone talking on a cell-phone.

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