
Wat are the basic points to keep in mind while learning to swim?

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tips on swimming




  1. Don't think that you can't swim or that you're scared. Once you're scared, you'll realize that you can't necessarily swim and you'll probably sink. If you stay positive, then you'll have more of an open mind.

    I would suggest learning to swim doggy style first, because it's the easiest to learn when it comes to paddling and kicking at the same time. Then do back stroke because it helps put everything together. Then the breast stroke and lastly the front stroke.

    Keep in mind to get into a rhythm.

  2. Good tips my choach tell me are things like remember to stay relaxed do not stress your muscles it makes it even harder. Remember that it is just for fun, but it is something you want to try your best at. Give it your all and that should be enough. Make sure when you are doing back crawl to keep your hands scooped and bend your arms a little when they get into the water for maximun speed. Also remember you must warm up before swimming ahead of time. Are bodies are like cold cars in the winter they need to be warmed up !

  3. when learning it WILL be hard but dont give up i never did and now i found my talent

  4. start in small water start off floting the move your arms in cirles in the water turn over on your belly and commly breath and start to slow kick your feet

  5. keep your head above water

  6. well it depends on what stroke you do,

    for freestyle: you should lift your arms up

    and have your finger tips be first in the

    water and try to kick with your feet up and

    down very fast. when you push off the wall

    try not to breath on your first stroke.

    for butterfly:your hands go outward and you

    do an upward and downward movement for

    your kick with both feet together.  try to keep

    your arms moving dont stop them when your

    pulling through underwater.

    for breastroke: do a pull out when you get off

    the wall it moves you further down the pool.

    for backstroke:[ obviously its on your back ] but

    when you push off start on your back.


    best answer please (:

  7. stay relaxed and you'll float near the surface better. The higher you are out of the water or near the surface; the easier it is to move along the surface, which is your ultimate goal, right? Keep your kick and your stroke near the surface and don't cross the midline of your body on either, it's waste energy and moves you in the wrong direction.  Good luck

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