
Wat are the states like? moving there soon :) :/

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i don't know if i should b happy or not..i mean '' THE STATES'' sounds FAB..but i lived all my life (im 14 bd way)in London,i am used to this place its home to me.i have my family and friends here. my father announced that we're moving to America!!

i was so shocked,in a way happy but well pi*ssed of (its hard to explain but i dont wanna move permanently,i would hate it being away from people i have known all my life.

i have to deal with it though :/

ca u tell me what the schools are like there? i mean like ''grades'' here in the UK we call them years,im 14 so im in year 9 but wats it like there?

oh n what are the fun places to hang out? (we have a house in wachington,LA california and one i think in texas)so wat are the good places to visit b4 i go to school :/

oh and im in a private school in california (i dont know the name though) so how do i behave and act? wat do u do in schools,apparently Americans always do sports n it like in the movies ect..?

write as much as u want,i will read every bit of info i get :)

xoxo thx




  1. Okay dont expect to get popular but since your from london a good chance.

    The grades are numbers

    Dates are no so important but yea a little

    dont go to partys TRUST ME

    Have fun

  2. you wont be away permanently, you'll be going back every once in a while I'm sure, and its ok, a lot of schools are mediocre at best, but a private school should be a lot better than some of the idiotic public schools, and id just act as i would if it were england, most people will be interested in the fact that your foreign and will make it easier to make freinds

  3. You didn't put if you are a boy or a girl. So I will put both. Haha.

    Ok. Private schools are very good out in cali. Where I live. I go to public school, but I have heard the private schools are very nice. You can go to parties. Haha. A lot of us are into sports, see if your private school has its own teams, I would recomend soccer, maybe swimming, tennis, something like that. If you are a guy, try american football.

    Try to like the music styles the kids at school listen to, that always makes it easier. . . Be yourself, we are all humans, its not like we are from different planets. You will get to making friends. Keep in touch with old ones too. 9th grade is, well, Im in 8th so, let me try to explain it, they are into music, guys like skateboarding.

    Music Bands I would recommend:

    Im sure you have heard of em'-

    White Stripes

    My Chemical Romance

    Old rockbands, like Iron Maiden are popular here too.

    Jonas Brothers - All girls dye for them. Haha.

    Some fun places to hang out are:

    Bowling Places

    Movie Theaters

    The Beach

    The Park


    Communtiy Events

    Community Pool

    (Will be done with the friends you make - you will make friends.)

    *I switched schools last year by the way*

    You do make new friends. Some maybe even better than your old ones, don't try to be in with the "popular" group. I spent the first 2 weeks at my new school eating lunch by myself. But I finally started talking to some girls and made some really good friends.

    Have fun, and don't worry, you will start to understand the ways of the people here once you are actually here to experience it yourself. If you have any more questions you can just email me.  

  4. email me first were ru moving and second pick ur favorite american football basketball and baseball teams

  5. I'd choose to live in London before America. I live in Califronia and used to go to a  private school. They are kinda sucky. I so wish i lived in London!

    California has earthquakes......we just recently had one.

    It's pretty much always hot here (i don't really like it)

    There is a lot of smog and pollution =/

  6. haha no its nothing like the movies. just be yourself im sure people will want to meet you since your from london. I would visit new york city. Its amazing. Just be youself and in america we call 9th graders freshmen.

    Have Fun :p

  7. America is a fun cool place to be.. there's nothing to fret about.. well not really.. there's alot of theives & con artists but otherwise it should be good!  

  8. be yourself, maybe join some clubs to meet people, it will probably be like any high school.

  9. i think you'll be fine. moving is hard (im in a military family so i know), but you'll eventually get used to the states.

    i dont think the schools should be too different. 9th grade is the first year in a highschool and you will be a freshman. highschools have grades 9-12 in them, so you'll be in the school with about 14 y/os to 18 y/os.

    just hang out at malls and go see movies... thats always fun =] (and its washington)

    i go to a private school too. chances are you will have either a dress code or a uniform. just obey the dresscode/wear your uniform and obey the rules.

    and most schools have various sports teams, but you dont have to be on one. teams are a good way to make friends though.

    i dont know why you shouldnt go to parties... as long as the kids going to/throwing the party are druggies, you should be fine.

    well have fun in the states!! and get ready to be asked about your accent alot.. lol

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