
Wat are ur biggest fears?

by  |  earlier

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mine is dummies,dolls and clowns,wat about u




  1. DEath

  2. a roller coaster running at full speed and then suddenly got derailed when it was about to make a loop

  3. burning alive

  4. twisted, blackened metal showered with choking ashes with me as the juicy center

  5. not having an after life, I fear that people just stop like computers when they are dead. I would much prefer to want to believe that at least something happens to your soul when your body is dead. Of coarse I am not sure.

  6. The fear of heights really gets to me even if its a little higher than what I'm used to.

  7. dummies,cici,and my older sister when she does this reatarded face and ibrahim doin this face!!

    scares the c**p out of me!!! lol

  8. Mostly is Hauted Ride which is the scariest one i went to the was HORROR

    (from malaysia)

  9. my soul ablaze with the burning hellfire that scorches the earth as we are just within the grasp of Armageddon....or spiders

  10. mine are dummies,dolls,and heights

  11. the free fall rising up to it pheeew

  12. a small space on a drowning ship in the middle of the ocean

  13. drowning, despite having good swimming skills

  14. Being in a dark room and it goes no where you walk and walk and it goes no where no one around no one near you :P

    If thats a real Fear

    Real fear is Fires

  15. I don't have any big fears.  You just push aside something negative right away and think about something happy.  Replace the bad thought with something good that's going on in your life, then just move forward and don't let anything spoil your day.

  16. Being trapped in a really enclosed place knowing I'm going to die, like a pot hole or something.

    I also have a fear of being scared, weird eh? lol

    Why is this on amusemnt parks btw? lol

  17. 1.lizards

    2.barbie dolls be stuck on earth for the rest of my life(im from Mars)

    4.rocket or flying saucer crash

  18. lizards      snakes etc

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