
Wat are your views on this subject?

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i do not like hanging out. i am fully commited to a baby. i work at nurserys, babysit and love children. yes i have a full time job




  1. i think that it is fine if they are able to keep their school work up and take care of it but most often it means that they no longer are able to be kids as they are now a parent and have that responsibility and that is something that they do not need be a kid while you can as you can never go back to it.

    but money is not everything, you need to have life too and not all have it.

  2. That's the problem. They can.

  3. dont you want to have a life like other teens?!?!? get the full expirience? Live on your own, start dating, going to clubs, being, your age? if you just start having kids right now your life will skip forward 20 years........ live it up. You will regret it. when you are old everyone will be talking about when they were still young and restless. and you wont be able to expirience that because you just started nursing children right away.

  4. I wouldn't go straight to saying that having a baby as a teen is the exact same as having one as an adult...for starters there's a big gap in age/maturity. And most people discriminate against pregnant teens because they may not know the whole story like you mentioned and automatically assume that pregnant teens are "irresponsible" as many

    pregnancies are accidents.

    I don't know how old you are exactly, but I slightly doubt that you personally have the funds to support the child. Yes, maybe your parents do, but it's unfair to raise a child off of their money- especially if they don't want you to have a baby in the first place. Supporting and raising a child costs A LOT of money, and the expenses keep adding up as they grow. If you DO happen to have enough money/income to support a baby and yourself...that's amazing.

    Also, having a baby is difficult for a teen because you have to give up your teenage life and accept the responsibilities of an adult. My friend who is a teenage mother cannot go out with her friends often or continue her education (at least not any time soon- no time!). She's usually exhausted even though her parents help her out a lot with the baby.

    And consider the life the baby will have. Will the father be present in the baby's life? Will your child have best opportunities possible in life?

    I'm not saying teens should not be allowed at all to have babies, but I think there is a lot to be said for waiting until you're an adult to have one.  

  5. People shouldn't judge everybody as the same. You sound like a genuine girl who really wants motherhood and prob. make a very good one.

  6. There are so many things to take into consideration. Not just the fact you want a baby. Are you in a serous relationship for one? Also it is illegal for you to have s*x under age of 16 so i think 15 is wrong. Babies don't stay babies forever they do grow up too. There is a lot of discrimination against teen mums which is quite bad. I know because i had my first baby at 17 and then another at 18. I am now expecting my 3rd baby and am only 20. But my kids are well looked after and we pay and look after our kids just like any adult would.  

  7. because teenagers haven't finished school.

    therefore they can't get a well-paying job.

    and you can't make completely rational decisions until you're like 22 or something. it's a scientifically proven fact.

    honestly, i used to think that, but now i realize it would be really stupid to have a kid so young.

    you would be wasting your life away. i mean, don't you want to have fun? apparently your early 20's is like the time of your life..or thats what my aunt and uncle said.

    my mom was a teenaged mother (well, 19) and apart from the fact she's really glad she had me, she wishes she waited until she could go to & graduate from college.

    and if you have a baby so young and try to either be a single mom or marry the dad, you'll have a lot of marital problems in the future...or if you stay single, you won't have as much support..which can have a horrible effect on your kid. when my parents divorced, i had a really hard time with it because they never grew up, having me so young.

    don't you want to wait until you're 100% sure you want a baby and you can definitely take care of it?

    you aren't even grown up yet, you have so much to learn.

    sorry, but that is STUPID.

    Proud mummy and girl due 10 Oct:

    it's not illegal to have s*x under the age of 16 EVERYWHERE.

  8. Your just another teen who want somehting.  A kid isnt a material thing.  I bet your thinking ' oooh id love to be bale to take my 2 year old daughter to school with me"  But you dont know the real care that it takes.  Your saying that you could live alone and support youself and the baby?  You probably couldnt even afford luch tommorow if you didnt live with your parents!!!

    These alot you dont know!

  9. You have a good point but obviously it is looked down upon because its a child having a child. Maturity is a huge factor number one and then comes the support. You say you want a baby really bad but can you say yes to these questions.

    1. do you have a job not part-time and pays minimum

    2. can you afford to move out of you parents house into your own place with a room for you and one for you child.

    3. can you afford daycare

    4. do you have a car

    5. have you finished high school

    6. can you let go of your friends and dedicate yourself to sleepless nights and no more going out.

    7. support you child without any help from parents or the state you live in

    8. can you feed yourself and your child

    If you can do these basic things then ok maybe then again i was a teen mother and my daughter was planned and let me tell you i bit of way more then i could chew. I thought i could do it and hahahaha it was no picnic hunny. and the fact that your a teen and desprate for a baby show you are still immature. Please think smart before you ruin (not yours) but your childs life... simply because of your selfish thinking wait til your old enough to make such a life changing dessicion

  10. Babies ARE NOT TOYS!

    You can just keep them till you get bored of it and then give it back!

    Babies require love, and care and attention and most 13year olds want to be out with their mates and partying and most are actually out drinking so thats why the younger mums get frowned apon

    Think about it How many teenage boys will want to become a father at the age of 13? Give the baby money, food, support, ect, Not very many, and I can tell you this having a baby isin't an easy thing, Wait till your older when you can cope better

    All the best


  11. Ha, if you want one, go ahead. It's your life.

  12. im 17 and pregnant and i dont hang out on the streets like my friends did and i can support my baby and have my family with me i finshed college and going back in feb but with the names i get called walking the street my best friends mum called me a sl*g in the middle of the shops (when im not) i might be young and love my baby girl growing inside me i no its going to be hard and that people will think bad of me but im not x

  13. You want a child sooooo bad?

    You sound like you want a puppy or something. Like somebody said before me, BABIES ARE NOT TOYS!  

  14. Because how many 13 year olds can do that?   Really.  

    Okay.  How many 15 year olds are getting their college degrees, have money, and actually KNOW how to raise a child? Answer that one please.

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