
Wat attracts moths to a house?

by  |  earlier

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i was wondering if i could get some help, i have moved into new flat been there for about 2months now and since moving in i have killed hunderds of moths and no matter how many i like they will come more than usually and they are huge, i don't keep lights on usually only have one light on is i'm lucky, they are mostly in my bathroom, i have no idea what to do or whats attracting them can anyone help or shine some light on this moth problem?





  1. Ha ha I like the 'pun' at the end he he

    All I know dera is that they are attracted to the light!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Of Now !


  2. They are usually attracted to dark, damp humid places.

  3. lights get a bug zapper i u want them to leave

  4. CABBAGE..

  5. i dont know y u have then but try,  useing yellow light bulbs for the outside and moth balls for the insidelight. outside lights they hang around it at night.

  6. Moths are attracted by light, I usually get the massive ones flicking about my light bulb lol, I hate them.

  7. i guarantee that you shall only see them when you are present...

  8. lights any type of lights no matter if its dim or bright they like light

  9. They are usually attracted to light, but if you are still having problems then you could contact the environmental health people. They would probably come out and have a look for you.

  10. they like light, moths that hung out in well lit places are able to reproduce more with other moths hanging out there, and pass on the genes that attract them to light...the moths that liked to hang out where they couldn't find mates died off, as did their genetic predisposition to those places. It's evolution creating yet another hindrance to humans...(you don't see many cockroaches in the wild, now do you?)

    if there's no light, as in your could be anything, do you live in a wet environment? I do, and it's awful. They might be breeding around there, try a bug zapper.

    Best of luck, I know how tough it is...

  11. light and open windows!!

  12. Usually an outside light attracts them. Make sure you turn off a porch light if not in use. Also, you can try a bug zapper.

  13. I know you say you don't keep lights on, but moths like light a lot. If there is some kind of light, even from a neighbors house, shining near yours, you've got moths. Also if they are finding some way to get in like there's a little hole near the ceiling or something, they'll fly in through there in the bad weather. Call pesticide control to come spray around your house so they will at least die when they come in.

  14. light -put screens on your windows & keep the doors closed.

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