
Wat came first the chicken or the egg?

by Guest60311  |  earlier

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this is a serious ? i need to know for a bet somebody please help me win




  1. It's an age old question that I don't think anyone knows the answer to, that's why people keep asking it!  I think the chicken came first, and then eventually the chicken evolved into an egg-laying creature.

  2. this came up  a few days ago, and my answer was witty then~

    but for purposes of your bet    the answer is    egg.

    dinosaur eggs far predate chickens~

    so i hope you bet on the  egg

  3. Religion : chicken first

    Science : from other cycles of life.


  5. this question has been posted before what a waste of 5 points but anywho the egg.  

  6. definetlly the chicken, she layed the egg and took care of him.without the chicken how could a egg evolve???

  7. I think CHICKEN becauseause without the chicken there will be no egg., heheheh

  8. haah of cos it's the chicken then the eggies because the chicken crosses the road. where are those indian doggies ah? imao hahha only good in point here and there but no substance at all hahahha

  9. the egg you see all animals have cromeosones but most have a different number of them that's why you don't have cat dog mixes running around but some have the some number of them like donkeys and horses (i think that's the two) and make a mule so there were two different animals with the same number of cromeosones and mated and had an egg the chicken ended up out living its ancestors  

  10. lol

  11. The chicken came first.  In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth and everything in it He created everything fully grown.  So.. the chicken came first.  

    Now you can put that question to rest once and for all... :-)

  12. A chicken is a type of bird, & birds are distant relatives of the dinosaurs that roamed the world millions of years ago.

    So it's quite simple really, it's just evolution, so neither came first did they.

    Think about it, where did humans come from?

    We evolved from Apes---correct ^_^

    We didnt just one day appear, it took millions of years to evolve into what we are.

    Same for the Chicken/Egg. Flying Dinosaurs (Pterodactyls) slowly evolved into birds, & slowly birds changed into different species that we have today


  13. It's weird.

    You need the chicken to lay the egg, but if the egg came first then where did the chicken come from? AHAHA man, I'm gonna say that a dinosaur laid an egg and then had a chicken.

    Lol I'mma make my own theories up.

    I say the egg.

  14. Egg

  15. The egg. There had to be a point when the chicken evolved from something slightly different. Creatures don't "evolve" after they're born, they're born the same creature they'll die as, so there must have been a creature strikingly similar to a chicken, but not quite, that laid an egg that hatched into what we call a chicken.

  16. i say the chicken because when the world began the cells could only form a chicken instead of an egg. if the egg formed the egg woyld break easily without protection from the chicken. or in the bible it says god created animals. if god created he egg who would protect it you know

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