
Wat can I use as bedding for hamster cage??

by  |  earlier

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I use wood shavings but sumtimes I get afraid that it'll poke his eyes even though he keeps it close most of the time (I get paranoid alot so mite as well change the bedding)

wat else can I use instead

can I use tissues??

oh and I put a handkerchief in his cage as well is that ok??




  1. Carefresh is good. You're right about pine or other wooden shavings. It's often dusty and they can scratch themselves if it is too sharp.

    Tissues and hankerchiefs won't really work that well.  

  2. Have you tried the pelts of other hamsters?


  3. Wood shavings are the best to use but you can use shredded paper, but not newspaper because the ink on it can be toxic to the hamster.

    Shredded tissue is fine! :)

  4. wood shavings and/or the pet shop has this cool cotton candy looking bedding  I love it Its easy to clean and very soft

  5. Wood shavings... They're cheap... and absorbs oder..  

  6. towels or handkerchief is ok but tissues will break easily  

  7. for bedding for hamsters,wood shavings are one of the best ones to use.but avoid pine and cedar shavings as they are toxic when it absorbs urine.

    other bedding substrate i suggest are:



    wood fibre pulp

    paper flakes

    corn cob

    wood based pellets

    they are the ones you must use.avoid using wooly materials as bedding as they may cause complications when the hamster somehow eat it.Soft paper bedding is best. Try taking un-dyed and unscented toilet paper or paper towel and tearing it into strips for your hamster. Hay can also be used but it should be clean and not moldy or dusty. Straw should not be used as the sharp edges can injure a hamster.

    do not use tissue.they are too absorbent and will cause complications of urine when used as bedding.

    i hope i helped!

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