
Wat can you feed sea urchins falme scallops and cup coral. are there tablets for them.?

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24 gallon nano cube.1.valentini puffer, 1 neon goby,, 1 jaw fish, 2 cinnamon clown fish, 1 cloudy damsel fish, 2 flame scallop, 1 sea urchin, 2 live rock. With cup coral




  1. your joking right? The puffer requires at least 30 gal tank. OMG!!!!! You cant be that dumb :(

  2. ummm...your tank sounds way overstocked, but maybe thats just my opinion. a 24g nano isnt very big. I would start over, take everything back and keep the clowns, or keep the damsel and a goby, I wouldnt try to keep more than 3 SMALL fish in there.  You have to be careful not to overfeed. Feeding too much will cause algae to grow like crazy and your tank will be a mess. good luck with that

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