
Wat do calle people from paris?

by Guest61710  |  earlier

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people from amrica r called americans people from mexico r called mexican but wat about people from paris?




  1. les parisiens et parisiennes!!

  2. Parisian

  3. Yes paris is a town             -----  Parisien

            france is the country   -----  Francais

  4. Paris is a city, not a country, so a better comparison would be:  people from New York are called New Yorkers, people from Paris are called Parisian.  

    If you want to do the national one, then it's people from France are called French.

  5. Parisian.

    But Paris is the city, not the country. As a whole they would be called French because they are from France.

  6. in french : parisiens

  7. Parisiens for people living in Paris.

    For all french: français.

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