
Wat do these lines mean?? and how can one use them in a sentence?

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1. Someone said to Voltaire, "Life is hard." Voltaire replied, "Compared to what?"

2. Life is full of disappointments, and I'm full of life3

3. Tell a man there are 300 billion stars in the universe and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he'll have to touch it to be sure. ~Murphy's Law

4.It's always been and always will be the same in the world: The horse does the work and the coachman is tipped. ~Author Unknown




  1. 1. Everything is relative. I can only say something is better or worse than something else. Voltaire was trying to point out that this person has only this one experience of this life, so he cannot say it's hard, because he has no other frame of reference.

    2. The person is saying he's disappointed? He's experienced disappointment in his life?

    3. Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. It is easier to take something at face value that we have no way of verifying (ie, the number of stars in the universe). We are much more willing to question something that we can easily prove or disprove, like touching a bench.

    4.  The people who do the real work are those who go unnoticed and unappreciated, while the ones who use them and capitalize on their efforts are the ones who are rewarded.

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