
Wat do u do 4 your dogs B-day?

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Hi, I am Stacy.

Wat do u generally do for you dogs B-day? I need people who has been doing it 4 at least 3 or more years. I need some1 experienced. wat have u been doing each birthday of your dogs? do you do the same thing every year? or change it each year? and wat r u going to be doing 4 your dogs on there next b-day? wat food or cake r u gonna give him or her? r u going to have a party? please be detailed. and when is yours dog next B-day? and again i need people that have been doing this each year and there dog at least 3 or older thanks just so i get advise from some people who really know, not some one with ideas and 1-2 year old dogs thanks.

Thank u all in advance.




  1. Nothing. Dogs are not aware of birthdays!

  2. for eeach of my dogs birthdays i will dress them in either a poofy dress of a little tux and get them a "dog" cake made of soft dog food shaped like a bone I just have a little doggie get together make them feel like they are the princess or prince and invite all their friends trust me they get into it, including my mastiff. I've been doing this for about 4 yrs now and they still love it sometimes i'll change it up a bit but they don't like me to. i spoil them like i spoil my kids.

  3. We don't know our dog's exact birthday, so we made it Thanksgiving.  He gets some turkey, and we usually give him a new toy.  Our former dog went to a birthday party for his friend who turned 14.  They had dog ice cream, but our dog was too excited to eat it.  His friend finished it for him.

  4. They get a nice treat and big long walk (like they do everyday). The only time I did something different was when Lacie turned one...she got a bone from the dog bakery with her name on it. Oh and I tell them Happy Bday!

  5. Hey, celebrate your dog's birthday all you want. you're not hurting anybody. And if people don't approve, it's none of their business anyway. So to h**l with them.

    My friend takes her dog to a park every year, invites all of her dog's four footed playmates, serves treats and dog safe cake, gets party hats and banners, etc...

    Everyone has a good time.  

  6. Nothing.

    They're ******* dogs.

  7. omg what a GREAT question!

    well lets see. invite all their friends, presents doggy safe cake, and party hats and party games!

    mollie's bday (aug 1) was like a super sweet 16 on MTV

    hahahahah =]


  8. Buy them presents, invite their friends over etc. And also take them to the pet cafe, a place thats a cafe, but you can sit there and eat with your pets! they serve you cafe stuff and they do the same with pets.

  9. Honestly, I give them a pat on the head and say Happy birthday...what do they know? If I happen to remember that year, I'll get them a raw knuckle bone and splat some peanut butter on it.

  10. Nothing, we do the same work on the ranch we do everyday ;)

  11. i got to the doggy speacialty food store and have them make my dog a ice cream cake - totaly safe for dogs of course, we light candles on the cake and sing happy birthday and when were done singing he barks and one year a few of the candles went out but we normaly blow them out for him. them we give him about 3-5 dfferent doggy toys, bones, chews and treats and call it a day. my dog will be 15 on oct 10 2008.

  12. Well  usually in the morning,

    I bring them there own steak (a pretty small one)

    Then I get them ready for the beach.

    We live across the street from a dog friendly beach.

    then we have a party.

    i invite all my family members with dogs.

    they bring there dogs to the beach with a present.

    we play doggy games,

    we open presents.

    and then all the dog eat a BIG cake(dog safe)

    and then one last dip in the water and chasing of the segues.

    and off to home we go.

    then at home they get to play with ALL there toys they have received.

    and a hour nap.

    then they get up i give them there dinner ( a plate full of a verity of human food).

    and then off to bed we go.

    and birthday boy or girl gets to sleep right next to mommy no exceptions.

    Good Luck


  13. And some people think putting their dogs in clothes is werid ....

  14. Nothing it is just another day in our household.

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