
Wat do u do if the guy u like has a crush on ur BFF and u dont want them to be a couple?

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and u been friends with the guy for 4 years and the girl doesnt know wat he thinks of her HELP ME PLEASE




  1. Similar thing happened to me actually.  Except I only knew the guy for a couple months.  I stepped back and let things work themselves out.  Instead of being aggressive about wanting to date the guy I let him choose who he wanted to be with.  They ended up dating, but realized they would never be anything more than friends.  Eventually, he ended up dating me and now we are engaged.  I recommend you be true to your heart.  Think long and hard about what you value more in your life.  Hope things work out for you.

  2. deal with it

  3. I feel for you. Im trying to keep my best friend and crush from going out also.

  4. Perhaps he only see's you as his good friend. Drop some hints to him, casually bring up the fact you like him alot tell him how you feel. But if he doesn't feel the same way about you the way he feels for your best friend..then let it be. You can't force love.

  5. you let it go. there is nothing that you can do about it if they do get together. maybe they will be happy. just let nature play its role.

  6. let them b together... u want the guy u like to b happy rite??? it mite b hard... but if u stop them from being together u mite loose both of their friendships... i mean... wud u rather b friends with him... or enemies?? same with ur bff

  7. yes

  8. Leave it alone.

    Be yourself and allow them to make their own decisions and mistakes.

    If you make a scene, or try and keep them apart, you'll end up looking like a whack job.

    If he's meant to be yours, he will be whether he dates her or not.

    The way you type indicates you're quite young.  Time changes a lot of things.  Be patient.

  9. talk to your best friend and tell her you have feelings for this guy. just don't let your friendship be ruined over a guy. if they end up being a couple just let it go and find some other guy. if you can't really see yourself marring him then why break up a good friendship over it.

  10. I'm not gonna lie, it would be kind of d**k to try to keep them apart, especially if you don't want them together cause you like the guy. Just let it run its course. There's nothing you can do (or should do) about two people's feelings for each other.

  11. Im confused. you like the guy? or do you like the girl?

  12. why dont you make  them fight?

  13. Tell her to pick her nose in front of maybe he will forget about her..LOL

  14. That's a hard one... The only thing that i can possibly think to do is to ask if he wants to see a movie and tell him how you feel. That might sound lame but I looked online and found that that would be best....

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