
Wat do u do if your in love with you best friend ex?

by  |  earlier

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ok my best friend roz just broke up with matt the boy i kind of like




  1. This has what to do with adoption?

    Anyhoo... we had a code between our core group in high school: we never dated each others exes.

    If you really do like him and the feeling is mutual, I would wait a couple of months and then ask your friend how she would feel. If she hates the idea then you will have to make a choice. If she says it fine... then fine. The risk of course is that even if she says it's cool, it might not be and can seriously damage your friendship.

  2. Perhaps you should delete this and place it in the Relationships section.  

    Personally, if I was in this situation, I would wait until I had a date and let the best friend know. I would tell her that "I wanted to tell you so that you didn't have to hear it from someone else and get upset".  You can date anybody you want though. You do not need her permission.  You just want her to not have to feel public humiliation when someone else tells her.

  3. well go for it!

    and besides you have nothing to be scared of, your friend broke up with him already..

  4. Wait it out. This too chall pass.

  5. It's not the done thing.

  6. Ask your friend if it would be alright if you could date her ex. If she says it would really bother her because she had feelings for him then, call him totally of limits. If on the other hand she just dated him and nothing serious happened between them and doesn't mind then by all means.

  7. Do you want to adopt him?

  8. i have been in this situation before myself. if they wasn't serious at all then tell your friend how u feel im sure she wouldn't mind. But if they were serious then even if she says she doesn't care i wouldn't make a move because that's makes things so much more complicated between you guys

  9. date him!

  10. Are you trying to adopt him?

  11. leave him alone... not worth loosing your friendship over a crush

  12. bag him

  13. read the sigh k................DANGER STAY AWAY i perounsly have never been in this station butt  i have been on the outside look'in  u see my bff#2 went out with a boy named billy & they wern't even seirous after just a week they brook up & my bff#3 went out with him & my bff#2 got mad. the ponit is u shoud't go out with bff or just firends ex bf cause u don't no how they felt about each other they could have took their BIG step or kiss u never no so even if u talk it out & they say IT'S OK STAY AWAY cause sum just say it 2 prove their over it .PLUS it's award when it's time 4 couple dating don't u think.LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

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