
Wat do u guys think of these compabilities???

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which of these 2 matches are more compatible??

if anyone can give me more details about the Aquarius-Scorpio match please tell me what are the bad and the BEST things of this matchup please




  1. Possibly Aquarius-Aries

    DEFINITELY NOT Aquarius-Scorpio!!!!!!!!!!

    I am Aquarius, my ex is Scorpio.  The bad things about this relationship were I am a free spirit, caring about other people.  My ex is controlling, demeaning and self-centered, always putting himself first..  Scorpios are known for stinging with their tongues. My ex said too many times that we had nothing in common, so after trying to be understanding of his nature and caring about him, I finally got divorced.  He has not changed and comments about his new gal, a Scorpio herself, that she and I are "the same".  The only good thing of this relationship was sexual compatibility.  I am now with a Leo and I am happier than I ever was!!  Good luck!!

  2. the bad part is that scorpio is not compatible with aquarius. the good thing is you can have a shallow fun meaningless relationship together. once you try to get close to one another though and get personal, things will fall apart and will turn ugly.

    aquarius with aries is a natural match and is about as good as you can get for an aquarius. aquarius is best matched with: libra, aries, gemini and Sagittarius.

    aquarius with aries: aries is fire and aquarius is air. they are opposites that attract and pull each other in with a strong natural force. things will never get boring and will never die down or dull out in long term relationships. marriage and soul mate potential is highly probable here. your different styles and personalities will compliment each other very well and will strengthen each other.

    aquarius with scorpio: HOT STEAMY S*X! followed by violent fights and accusations and turmoil, followed by cheating lies and deciet. followed by enemy status. well, not always, but you get the gist of things. scorpio is water and is extremely intense and emotional, sensitive, secretive, jealous and possessive. they will tell you what to do, how to do it, and will tell you what you are not allowed to do. they are stubborn and will never back down nor give in and they are always right! even when they are wrong or are defeated they never admit up to it. they pursue and go on and will control you..........

    some signs enjoy the possessive seductive and manipulative ways of the scorpio. pisces feels secure with a strong stubborn scorpio. capricorn enjoys the zeal and zest they put into showing how jealous they can be. cancer likes the protective nature. and virgo gets excited by the scorpios outwardly s*xual nature.

    but for aquarius: no. aquarius is also a fixed sign just like scorpio. so when you two do bump heads, things will not end well.  

  3. Hi Henry

    Aquarius - Scorpio is an odd match since each have different perspective in life. Scorpio thrives for a deep intense bond and Aquarius is too emotionally detached which won't go well with the security mindedness of Scorpio.

    Aquarius is unconventional and inconsistent and needs someone who provides freedom for him or her. Both are stubborn and unlikely to back down down and give in to the other under disagreement and forget the compromises as well.

    Scorpio needs a passionate partner who understands his need for intimacy and commitment. Scorpio is too demanding and controlling and Aquarius is a socially detached driven by a humanitarian streak. You will need many good aspect in the chart to help offset the inherent diferences here.

    Aquarius - Aries has more chance of common ground. Both are idealistic, adventurous, optimistic individuals who value their personal freedom. Both are not possessive, clingy types and allow breathing room to navigate freely. Aquarius in particular can inspire Aries to broaden the lookout and perspective on life by sharing ideas and interest in humanitarian causes. This is the only key to make this relationship work.

    By being an intellectual sign, Aquarius processes feelings through logic and rationalization and not prone towards temper outbursts or excessive emotional scenes as they hide this under a cool exterior.

    Aries may thus find them too emotionally cold, aloof and detached, especially in matters of the heart. In the bedroom, Aquarius rarely overindulges in the bedroom as Aries. With some compromise, this is a far better match than with Scorpio.

    Your choice.

  4. much would depend on date /day /time of birth and chinese year of birth also j**s  and as far as scorpios go they r s**y with aries and scorpios more than anyone else and aquarius with one who can give them praises and orgasms anyone aries 4 aries and taurus mostly sexually more than mentally


  5. Aquarius-Aries.

    fire and air are very compatible.  

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