
Wat do u think i should do?

by  |  earlier

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i like this girl at my school. we've know each other for at least a year. i have asked her out over a text and she said no cause she likes this other guy even if nothing comes out of it. i still feel for her. wat should i do? i want to ask her out again but should i? please help. thanks




  1. Dating won't get you no where, but a girl pregnant. Make wiser choices and wait until after or during college.

  2. K first do not ever ask a girl out over text again or face book or msn or anyting like tht! It makes you seem very unconfident and most girls like a confident guy. U should find out if she still likes this other guy and if not go for it no harm done

  3. You should text her about the other gye see if she is moving on. If it seems like she is moving on you can try but she might say no. Try to include details like how much you care about her. If it seems like they are starting to bond you should leave her alone if you really like her. This should help cuz I am a girl!!!

  4. Don't ask her out a second time unless you're positive she likes you back. Try flirting with her and see how she reacts!

  5. get to know her and ask her out in person.  

  6. it depends the last time you asked her out

    if you did last year and want to now...go for it

    if you asked her 3 months ago...wait another 2 months

  7. if she said no then dont ask her again

  8. don't ask her out again or youll come off as a creeper

  9. no offense, but maybe its cause you asked her out on a text....

    it shows youre too scared to look her in the eyes and ask her, and maybe you are, and thats perfectly understandable.

    but think of a sweet way you can ask her out in PERSON, like taking her by the hand and saying "i might be setting myself up for more rejection with this, but im dying to go out with you. give me a chance, please?" or whatever you want.

    trust me, shell seriously consider it if not say yes! im sure plenty of guys have asked her out on texts before, but it takes a real man to say it to a woman's face!

  10. You get on that phone and and you call her!  No more texting!  Unless she is going to marry this other guy, she is available.

  11. I am sure that you are a sweet person and have so much to give in a relationship.  Don't you want to give it to someone who wants it and appreciates it?  I know that you care for this girl and if we have had a magic spell to get someone to like us I'm sure we would jump on it.  The truth is she likes someone else and you can not change that right now. Try being her friend right now and say something like "look obviously you know that I do like hanging out with you and right now you like someone else and so I hope that you get what you want because you deserve the best.  So I want to be friends with you." Being a girls friend first will get her to see all the qualities you have to offer.  Being sensitive to her needs and respecting her wishes will make her think wow this guy really cares about me.  Now, can I guarantee that she will be your friend or will it go further than that. No. But asking her or begging her to give you a chance may make you look desperate.  And you are not a desperate guy right? You have a lot to give and if she doesn't want it, I assure and PROMISE you there will be a girl out there that will scoop you up! Hold your head up high! Good luck!

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