
Wat do u think of my wierd as c**p poem?

by Guest56510  |  earlier

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rote it ages ago, and just realised its not good. u agree?

we go out

you win my heart

the guy seems great

until the part

i find the flaw

that breaks us up

the one that hurts

me deep inside

im a girl

whos been broken

so many times

in her heart

but she lives on

and finds more ways

to hurt this part

of her frail body

so why do you

keep doing this

why do i

pick out the ones

that hurt my heart

my life

my soul

that stain me for life

im the girl

who lives her life

as though you never

entered her soul

the wounds you left

still cut deep

but gets filled in

with love that surrounds her

someone new

will take me out

and win my heart

and he’ll be great

so what makes you

think youre the one

to end my life

because of your flaw

im just a girl

who lives in this world

takes in the pain

and the hurt

but gives out love

and recieves a bit

from ones who surround her

ones she calls friends




  1. It is beautiful. I read a lot of pain in it. It is beautiful, because you have written what you felt. You remind me of my daughter. But it also seems as though you put yourself out there and you expect pain back. Have you ever heard of the "Law of attraction". I do not know if there are anything out there written about this, but there are a great documentary/DVD out on shelf and available in Video Shops called "THE SECRET" It will change your life.

    Did you know that one can filter things in life that makes you happy? It is only a mindset away. Your mind is your greatest asset. Make a list of the things you think in men are related to the flaw you mention in your poems. Make a note in your mind to ignore people with these things in them that you can see/identify as danger signs. Because all of them will react in the same way and the relationship will end the same way leaving you disappointed and heartbroken. Your mind will automatically identify these signs and you will react negatively upon these.

    You can talk to me, if you need to. My contact details are

    Writing poems are a great way of getting rid of emotions.

    I have a daughter and I know sometimes you tend to care about people that end up hurting you. Remember you are the most important thing in your life. Remember you first than everyone else.


  2. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    no offence but it is kinda cr*p...

    if it was shorter, rhymed a little and made more sense then it would be ok

    P.S how many poems do you write!!???

  3. Well, it is weird as c**p, but I loved it!

  4. ITS NOT c**p- poetry is art! It only has to come from the soul-I think what you wrote did, so keep writing and trying different styles and creating your own thing!

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