
Wat do you do after you run out of toilet paper

by  |  earlier

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  1. Buy some more, seriously...

  2. well yea this sounds geeky but u should carry items like hand sanitizer and napkins and stuff but i never do  that so i will crawl under the stall and get toilet paper or if that doenst work i'll wipe it with my hands LOL

  3. wait til someone comes home

    lol why did u ask this? are u on the toilet right now or something??? jk


  5. There's always an extra roll lying around somewhere. Search the whole house!! (but try not to make a mess)  XP

  6. Walk it off!!! That's what real men would do!

  7. buy more  

  8. oh i thought "help me" was the answer, cus id be screaming something to my bf,hed be lucky if it was help me.that would only be the first of two blastings, the second one will be for leaving the roll empty!!

  9. Buy some more?

  10. Hurry to the store.

  11. Get your mom to get some more...!

  12. you cry

  13.'re on the toilet, connected to the internet? OK...

    Any who, go to the shower and wash up, wash all the BM down the drain

  14. be a man use your hand

  15. That's stupid, running out of toilet paper. Use your underwear and wash it out, pronto!

  16. Use the cardboard roll that the tissue was on.  Hope it's just a small "mess".  Good luck! =)

  17. use a leaf.

  18. Use napkins, paper towels, if none, newspaper, paper, clean wash cloth you can throw away.  Good luck.

  19. Hold it in until you get some or use paper towels or newspaper...

    Good Luck!!!

  20. Use napkins or paper towels. and then go to the store.

  21. I have been known to use the cardboard tube that holds the paper.  One tear down the middle and you have yourself some very hard bog roll!

  22. You can use a TOOTHPICK !

    additional:                  TOOTHPICK? You can use it to remove something that is left within your fingernails, after wiping with your hand !

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