
Wat do you do if you hate your mom

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well i hate my mom i just do! I hate looking at her hang out with her just every thing wat should i do???




  1. dont ever talk about your mom that way. someday when you grow up youll realize how you thought of your mom and you will feel guilty because all at once you'll realize how much your mom gave up to provide for you. and i know it doesnt seem like it now but trust me not letting u go out at night may seem like an injustice but thats because u dont appreciate she has probably given up sooooo much to raise u and that she probably has no regrets about giving that up. u will grow out of it do yourself a favor and be easy on your mom that way u wont feel as guilty. get to know her....u will miss her when shes gone

  2. lol i jsut avoid my mom at any cost lol cuz i hate her :P

  3. Believe it or not, the day will come when you will give just about anything you have - just to hug your mother one more time.

  4. You don't actually hate your mom, you're just being a whiney teenage brat.

  5. maybe you need to soften your heart

    speak to her more

    she had you in her for 9 months

    imagine your daughtet hating you this much

    woulddnt you be hurt?

  6. my mom hates me.. you and i are in very opposite situations.

    i would do anything for a mom who loves me, but unfortunately, my mom isn't well, and treated me poorly since a young age. i never had, and never will have, a mother figure in my life, and kills me every day.

    if your mom treats you good, cares about you, loves you, then you are blessed. because some people, like myself, would do anything for a good mom.

    never say you hate her. you only have one mom, make the best out of it :)

  7. Same with me!!!!! I have the same problem sometimes but other times a really love her when she isnt being a *****. The only thing for you to do is disconnect yourslef form her or try to getcloser to her by doing things together, if that too akward you might need to confide in someone else besides your mother. I know it is very sad and frusturating i hate it jsut as much as you do. Mother and daughter should be best friends but someitmes its impossible..

  8. well you hate her for a reason...try to find out why look back and figure it out then once you do forgive her for it cuz if you just try to forgive with out a reason it wont work out

  9. how can u hate ur mom.ive been REALLY mad at my mom but i love her so there a reason?try finding it.i know u cant hate her

  10. forgive her, bcz one day u too will become mom

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