
Wat do you think about this(true story)?

by  |  earlier

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Me 16 years old getting in to a fight wit my mam coz she didn't buy me a plain ticket back to ireland while i was in Latvia helping my granny. She said id be able to return in a month but it was a lie. While in a the mitst of the row over the phone i said id hitch across europe and get there(didnt reali know how id get acrros the channel yet) she didn't take me seriously and so i decided to do it....and i actually travelled across europe hitchiking talking to truck drivers and trying to evade boarder controlls and finnally ended up getting in to ireland by taking a fairy from Cherbourg wit money my mum sent me over Western union coz she had no choice as i was in was a painfull crazy and a rewarding experence!!




  1. wel all i can say is thanks to western union and by the way do you mind getting a spell check done!!

  2. I think wow and you had better study your spelling.

  3. why are you telling that to us do you think we care

  4. very brave and unbelievable.. you 16? didn't you have any problems at the borders?

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