
Wat do you think of thes pomes I wrote?

by  |  earlier

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do you like thems? I write them bothe jus now.

Leaving Home

If ever there were a place for love to fall,

surely it would be upon our patios and stoops;

so as to be so heavy-

and futilely follow our fading paths;

but like the wind

ever reaching, ever tapping

our windows, our doors,

It seeks to lead us into a storm-

welled up in the ducts of a swollen sky

like pleading eyes,

along our best laid plans, it pours.

After Armageddon

When kingdom comes,

like mammoths left

fuel to flow the earth,

we'll leave our shelters from the weather.

While confusions hybernate in the dust,

on tables; dimly lit screens flickering through cobwebs

and ivory,

in orchards, rain micro chips and petals,

the nectar of technology still pulsing through filaments,

And for the newly emerging-

the world will come with instructions-

blueprints blowing in the afternoon breeze,

and our memory;

evading the winds that climb down from a mountain

to drag our dust through steel beams.

And there's a safety vault in the center of it all

like a treasure,

filled with recoveries, reprieves

and thoughts never written.

We called it faith-

But in a language no longer recognized.




  1. Yeah I don't think you wrote them either because you are a bad speller---see answers above

  2. On the defense of this person, Google results nothing but this question when I do a quote search for a few phrases of either poem. Mainly meaning that they were not copied from a website on the Internet.

    However, it is very unlikely that this person wrote them. Perhaps a friend.

  3. so who really wrote the poem? i doubt you did because the poem was actually spelled correctly.

  4. The poems are actually not bad but... "pomes???"... and "bothe jus now???"...

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