
Wat does a girl like in a boy?

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there is a girl that i like and i dont no if she likes me back! :(




  1. A thick wallet and big shoes , everything else she can mold to her likes.


  2. loving

    good education

    Good career

    Good looks

  3. there r so many things a girl likes in a guy bt i think the guy shud be cute,popular,rich as i am,party animal,lovin,carin,sweet, he shud be a heart throb etc etc there r many things .....

    n the ans 2 ur problem is jus ask her out for a date n if the date goes on well continue wit her.... n who knows she might not always be the right one...... n after the date mail me n let me know how was ur date.......l..

  4. Basically:

    Some girls go for looks

    Some girls go for personality

    Some girls even go for both.

    I personally like a boy who is sweet, caring, etc. But still a bit of a looker so I would fit into category 3.

  5. money...if u have money, nothing u cannot get...

  6. okayy so basically

    somewhat good looks, wit, confedence, thats basically it

  7. Right! First start with flirting, that should get her, would get me..I would feel quite loved C=

    Then tell her how you feel.

    Some girls go for looks, personality, smiles...eyes anything really.

    So do all of them!

    Me, I love a guy with blue eyes and black hair, who loves me for me and I love him for him.Who knows how to have fun!


  8. hey! ok well you need to start talking to her to find out if you 2 have anything in common then build up your relationship if she looks at you a lot and flirts that'ss obvious!) lol then you will know, try and make her laugh by teasing her and try to give of a few hints that you like her and see how she responds! gd luck :)  

  9. hi there well...





    just be your self :)

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