
Wat does context mean in english?

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i know that

i mean when comparing two texts like a shakspear text and a text now

comparing the contexts of each text




  1. Contect is  the paragraphs surrounding a word or sentence. It is also the background information you have about a word or a sentence.

    For example depending on the context the word "book" may have different meanings: I booked a ticket to Milan; I'll buy this book.

  2. context is situation

    "two texts like a shakspear text and a text now" is not the context comparison, it's called text analysis

    either you confuse "context" and "content" or you just don't know what it is...

    it's not used, it shows how other words are used

  3. Context are the surrounding words which add meaning to a statement or word.

    Context will alter the meaning of said statement as above in the above example of the word book; a bound tome of text or to pre-order something.

    This can also be extended to the context of a statement, a statement taken out of context can take on a completely different meaning.

    Or there is social context, which is probably what you are looking at:

    Within which you are looking at the objective social variables the social identity of the writer displayed in his\her text.  As in the time of writing and social pressures etc.

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