
Wat does it mean when your guinea pig whistles?

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Wat does it mean when your guinea pig whistles?




  1. that's their communication, most likely hungry. I loveee the sound.

  2. orr......maybe he is horny yall never know

  3. It jsut means something scared him or her- mine does it all the time. Its normal

  4. Different "whistles" mean differents things! Pay attention to the noise he makes and you'll notice a difference between the whistles and noises he makes when he gets startled, intimidated, when he's happy to see you, when he hears the crinkle of the food bag, etc.

  5. That's the sound they make. It's probably for communicating with others in the wild.

  6. most likely hungry! they have different sounds to how their feeling! go to the website below!

  7. it means different things on different guinea pigs. sometimes it means they are scared. but my friend has a guinea pig and when she opens the bag of hay and makes noise it whistles because it wants it.

  8. thats the number 1 reason why i love guinea pigs. they make cute noises that let you know when they are hungry or scared.

    own 3 and they sometimes make extreme whistles letting me know they want food or to play :)

  9. He's excited!

    I had one that would answer the emergency sirens on the street:  weeweewee!  And he would also answer the telephone: rrrrr, rrrrr, rrrrr.

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