
Wat does its mean when you dream you fall in love but u already have relationship?

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you have a dream bout u fallin in love with another guy wen u already have a relationship in real life..




  1. It's not the dream here that is telling.  It's the form of your question.  You say: Wat does its mean when you dream you fall in love but u already have relationship?  Nowhere in this do you say that you ARE in love.  You have a dream about falling in love BUT you are "already in a relationship".  Is there a difference?  Sounds like it.

  2. it means ur not happy with ur current relationship or you've been thinking what it would be like having a new relationship.

  3. I have studied dreams since I can remember and if you ever do yourself they are very hard to dissect.  

    Freud was the father of dreams in my opinion and in his book "The interpretation of dreams" he asserted that only the dreamer could resolve the meaning of a dream.  He was a pioneer in psychoanalyzing dreams, meaning tracing the individual's thought process to the point or problem area in the mind to solve the underlying unknown/question.  

    From my reading and understanding, first I would look at the daily activity prior to this dream; then find a relation or circumstance that warranted such a thought leading to straying from your current man.  It could be so simple as a guy giving you his book, or opening a door for you, that your man would not do usually, that would make you subconsciously think of the "other guy" who would be present in your dream.

    See, it is not what we think of all the time that we dream of, but it is of what we seldom is our deepest fear, regret, or want that we dream of during the night.

    Point being, don't hold so much weight to the one dream as much as you do to its meaning.....Look at the totality of the dream and how you felt not only in the dream but he reaction to it to guide you in what it means.....In the end, only you can answer this..and Freud mastered this technique by laying individuals before him and tracing/backing them unto themselves, getting inside their minds, and revealing secrets unknown to them during their present.

  4. Perhaps the relationship that you are currently in is unfulfilling; meaning that, on a deeper level, there are parts of you that are not satisfied with what this partnership provides you. Your dream was a wish dream.

  5. The dream likely relates to your fears of committment to one person.   You are not sure of a long term relationship at this time and may not be ready for it.  It also would depend on your age, the younger you are the less the dream would mean.  If you are 35 and engage the dream would have more significance.  Also, if it were a reoccurring dream it would mean more.

    Likely you are young and the dream is just your working through your approach to relationships.

    Let me know if this helps.

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