
Wat does lisp mean??

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Wat does lisp mean??




  1. a speech abnormality in which the sound S is pronounced as Th

    for example

    the word "sing" sounds like "thing."

    ya know what i mean?

  2. It is a speech impediment. Difficulty pronouncing "S" (often as "TH") like Sylvester the Cat and Daffy Duck.

  3. when you talk and you eather sudder on words or when a person talks theres a lot of wind coming out of mouth and it sounds like they say th ever word...

  4. If a person has a lisp, they can't pronounce the letter 'S' and it comes out as more of a 'TH' sound.

    E.g. HOUSE would be pronounced as HOUTHE

  5. 1. a speech defect consisting in pronouncing s and z like or nearly like the th-sounds of thin and this, respectively.

    2. Phonet.any unconventional articulation of the sibilants, as the pronunciation of s and z with the tongue between the teeth (lingual protrusion lisp), close to or touching the upper front teeth (dental lisp), or raised so that the breath is emitted laterally (lateral lisp).

    3. the act, habit, or sound of lisping.

    —v.t., v.i.

    1. to pronounce or speak with a lisp.

    2. to speak imperfectly, esp. in a childish manner.

    —n. Computers.

    a high-level programming language that processes data in the form of lists: widely used in artificial intelligence applications.

    To pronounce the sibilant letter s imperfectly; to give s and z the sound of th; -- a defect common among children.

    To speak with imperfect articulation; to mispronounce, as a child learning to talk.

    To speak hesitatingly with a low voice, as if afraid.

    To pronounce with a lisp.

    To utter with imperfect articulation; to express with words pronounced imperfectly or indistinctly, as a child speaks; hence, to express by the use of simple, childlike language.

    To speak with reserve or concealment; to utter timidly or confidentially; as, to lisp treason.

    The habit or act of lisping. See Lisp, v. i., 1.


    The habit or act of lisping. See Lisp, v. i., 1.

    intransitive verb

    To pronounce the sibilant letter s imperfectly; to give s and z the sound of th; -- a defect common among children.

    To speak hesitatingly with a low voice, as if afraid.

    To speak with imperfect articulation; to mispronounce, as a child learning to talk.

    transitive verb

    To pronounce with a lisp.

    To speak with reserve or concealment; to utter timidly or confidentially; as, to lisp treason.

    To utter with imperfect articulation; to express with words pronounced imperfectly or indistinctly, as a child speaks; hence, to express by the use of simple, childlike language.

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