
Wat does .... mean on messagin on AIM?

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Wat does .... mean on messagin on AIM?




  1. it means hold on...or no comment...or they are typing

  2. When keyboarding the number of dots you type have different meanings. 3 dots has one meaning and 4 another meaning. Oh and these meanings may not be the same in messagin as the traditional keyboarding rules...

  3. ... generally is a silence/pause waiting for the other person to respond.

    in the case of the person being insulted "..." would be waiting for some apology or maybe just a change of topic.

    ......................... is awkward silence in most cases.

  4. well it depends whats going on

    it could mean like im waiittingg or that was mean because if someone says like

    person1: you are the ugliest girl of all

    me: ....

    person1: you stink like a skunk

    me: ....



    person1: brb

    me: k

    me: are you there yet?

    me: ...?

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