
Wat happened to randy ortan??? i dont c him on wrestling nemore.?

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will he ever come back???




  1. He broke his color bone at One Night Stand(PPV) which sidelined him for 3 months, he was expected to be back by the end of August but he re-broke his collar bone in a motorbike accident in which he was very lucky to not die, he only survived because he was wearing a helmet, His wife also gave birth to a little girl. He will be out till about Survivor Series(November)/Armageddon(December) because of what happened.

  2. He broke his collarbone at One Night Stand 2008 against Triple H in a Last Man Standing Match. On Sunday 10th of August 2008 he rebroke his collarbone in a motorcycle accident which he was luck not to die in. He only survived because he was wearing his helmet. He will be out of action for 3 more months so expect him to return around No Mercy or Survivor Series.

  3. He broke his collarbone at one night stand and it lasted for about 3 months he he re-injured his collarbone again in a motorcycle accident which will last 3 more months

  4. he kinda got injuryed

    if you watched wrestleing on a regulatr basis you would know that

  5. is suffering with a broken collar bone which he got form a motorcycle accident dont worry he WILL be back!

    :o and RATED RKO RULE

  6. Orton*

    He broke his collarbone during his WWE Championship match at One Night Stand against Triple H. He was originally sidelined until the end of August, but was involved in a motorcycle accident near his home in which the only injury he suffered was a re-broken collarbone. This latest setback is expected to delay his return by another 3 months.

  7. He injured his collar bone at One night Stnd and then last week he reinjured it in a motorcycle accident so it pushed it back 3 months

  8. He broke his coller bone a few months ago.

    I fink he will be back at Summerslam and interfere in a match proberly John Cena!!

    When they said he was in an accident he was actually in London doing promotions...

  9. He broke his collarbone and is currently recovering. I can't wait until he returns, he is my favorite wrestler.

  10. he broke his colar bone at ecw one night stand agianst triple h and then he was in a motor cycle acident and broke it agian he'll be back in about 3 months

  11. well  randy orton is out of wrestling untill 2009collarBone

  12. As everyone said he broke his collarbone (the one between your neck and your shoulders, you can feel it) in a match against HHH at One Night Stand. He was probably scheduled to come back at SS but rebroke it 2 weeks before the event, so he'll be out for 3 more months, oh and his wife also gave birth to their first child so it'll be hard for him to come back with an injury and a baby

  13. Honestly WHO CARES,  just as long as he's gone!!!!!!

  14. He got hurt.

    and they said he got hurt again in a motorcycle accident and they said he wont be back for another 3mths. but i had it wasn't true that he was coming back sometime soon..

    soo who knows

  15. They said that he re-injured his collar bone when he was in a motorcycle accident so he is sidelined for about 3 months

    He first broke his collar bone at one night stand.

  16. He wrecked motorcycle and wont be back for awhile and his wife just had a little beautiful girl.

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