
Wat horse should i buy?

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i am going to buy a horse for my stabbles it will be used for everything

and thees r the horsess the look quite good








  1. 3/4

    but did is the horse for you

    because you must be a strabge weight and build an ability as some horses are ponies like 11hh and 13 and then you have this 16hh one

    :S strange you should say what height

    weight age and ability you are  

  2. number 3 for riding school

  3. i really like 3 and 4

  4. i wouldnt say any of these horses are suitable for a riding school.

    1. too young and would need to be ridden a lot to make it suitable for people who are learning to ride.

    2. Also too young and has sweet itch.

    3. Still green and would need bringing on.

    4. Too much potential for a riding school and it would be wasted just trotting round all day.

    I think you should look for an older horse (say 12+ years) as the horse would probably be calmer and therefore safer for people to learn to ride on.

  5. Well, it depends on what you want.  Number four is the only horse, and the only one who could do higher level showing.  Number one is completely unbroken.  I personally like number two.  But I think you should go and meet the horses so you have a better feel for them.

  6. 3 if its for kids or 4 if its for a riding school

  7. I think Julianne has hit the nail on the head!!!! Ha ha! You dont want any of those horses as they would all be wasted with you. Sorry but you are obviously not a horse person! So why ask the question??? But No.4 was the nicest!

  8. don't get any of them

    you're obviously having us on

    the price range is ridiculous

    the horses are so different

    there's no way you're seriously considering buying them - someone who was serious would be looking at similar horses in a set price range.

  9. 4, if you are a good and confident rider who will continue to work with him but if he is for a riding stables please don't he could do a lot better and it isn't fair on him to ruin him in a stables by making him dead to the leg and almost like a robot, if he could do well at each discipline you should let him unless of course you are a very confident and experienced rider who will be able to carry him on with all of these disciplines and not just have him as a riding pony.

    3. would probably suit a riding school the most of the horse you have selected but if it is for yourself surely you will be too large if you were looking seriously at no. 4.  however 3 will only really be good for quite confident children i would suggest continuing to look and at other sites such as:


    hope this helps x*x

  10. i'd say no.4

  11. I would say none right now since you seem to be having trouble with that Welsh mare you asked about earlier.  And you had another question too about another horse acting weird.  So for right now I would work on the other two before getting another one.

    Also, you say you want to buy a "horse" but three are ponies.  So, I'm a little confused.

  12. You asked this question only yesterday with different horses. You stated that you and your staff had been to look at them all, even though they were spread all over the country. You need to grow up and stop asking pointless questions and learn to use your spell check.

  13. Well 1,2 and 3 are all quite young, and if this is for a riding school you will have to bring them on and teach them everything - which is a good thing if they are going to be used for everything.

    And number 4 if quite tall and i think he would be better off not at a riding school and is quite expensive.

    But... they are all nice ponies/horses.

  14. I would say number 4.

    But he's alot different to all of the others?

  15. Wow, well you have some nice options here.  I think you would win with any of them.  However, since you are only getting one, then I'll do my best to help you elliminate some.  Okay, first I would elimate choice number two.  He is cute but thats not everything.  You don't want to spend money on a green horse if you are wanting him to be used for a lot of things.  Also, number one is still green so I would elimate him.  However, he does have a nice comformation.  I think both choices three and four are a win-win deal.  Choice three has wonderful  conformation and she looks good over the jumps.  However, if you are wanting the one with the best experiance in jumps I would go with choice number four.  He is beautiful and very experianced in the world of riding and jumping.  However, all my opinions are based on training level.  I think that is an important key here.  On the other hand, I would go look at all the choices, ride them, and see which one is the friendliest, most experianced, and safe.  For example, choice two could be extremly sweet and choice four  could be a brat!  Basically, what I'm saying is to inspect each horse in person and see which one you are most compatable with!  Good luck!

  16. 4 doesn't look safe.  

  17. number 1 is too green, not even broken, don't think about it.

    number 2 isn't even broken yet so don't even think about it

    number 3 is gorgeous but green so could easily get ruined

    number 4 would be wasted. Needs an experienced, competitive home.

    these horses are still all very young, half of them are not even broken yet. Make sure you know exactly what you are doing. I hope you can ride better than you spell.

  18. 1 or #4

  19. YOU have a stables?? and you cant tell the difference between a horse and a pony?

    dont buy any untill you learn some more about horses

  20. I think you should go for the Irish Sport Horse Rex as he has beautiful markings and has a lovely description!

  21. Is this a riding stables, if so

    1 is too green

    2 has sweet itch in tail

    3 to wide backed for kids

    4 beautiful but maybe shame to spoil in a riding school.

  22. Number 4 with no competition what soever.... I agree with that other person that it really might be a shame to put that beautiful horse in a riding stables. I would maybe try to find some other options

    Its entirely up to you though...

    Good Luck

  23. the last two!

    they sound like they should start out being ridden by an experienced rider but then could be used for inexperienced kids too!

    and in my opinion the last two are the cutest =D

  24. definatly horse # 4

  25. None.  The first three are too young and too green to be school horses, and the fourth is too much horse to make a good school horse.

    And it's a nice try, but I hardly think you own a stable, or are involved in the decision making process for someone else's stable.  You can't even spell and judging from your other questions and answers, you don't know much about horses in the first place.  Take some lessons.

  26. 4

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