
Wat is a blog? and how do u create 1?

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Wat is a blog? and how do u create 1?




  1. It is like a online journal but you don't rite too personal things in it and you could create one in

    i have one too...

    gd luck!

    p.s. you could get some basic help at the blogger help center

    but you'd be fine

  2. Blog is short for "web log." Basically, a blog is an online journal. You can write or post about whatever you like: updates of your life, political opinions, a great trip, favorite recipes, what music you're listening to -- anything that strikes your fancy.

    Your blog can include words, photos, or both. Yahoo! 360° publishes and saves all your blog entries for easy access as time goes by. You decide how private or public to make your blog by setting your permission preferences.

    Blogs are usually composed of one or more blog entries. Each entry can have its own title and always says the date and time you published it. Blogs show the last entry first, and you can scroll down to read earlier entries. So it's like a reverse diary.

    You can easily add a photo to your blog entry if you want. You can also make bold text, change colors and backgrounds, format your text, or add emoticons and even web links. If you know HTML, you can make even more changes, if you want. But your blog will look great even if you don't use any of these extras.

    This link will help you get started on Yahoo360

  3. It's short for "web log" and it's like an online diary.

    You can make using yahoo 360. It creates one for you automatically when you create a profile. Then you can control the security setting.

  4. Its some sort of a personal space where you can either share some of the events or happenings in your life. You can also discuss topics and get feedbacks on a certain subject and some other more blah blahs..

    To create one, you may either register for one in the ff. links: (I think its only a free trial, but I'm not sure.. >_>)

  5. It is an online diary.  It can be about anything you want and anybody.  You can create a blog using differnt sites for free

    You can use the follwoing:



    i would reccomend blogger and it is easy to use.  Want more info check out:\

    if you have any problems, you can searh google with them and vauable info will come up.

    if you have time can you check out my blog please, comment if you can please

    Hope that helped and happy blogging.  Tell me when you made you made your blog, want to take a look.

  6. I blog is like an online diary.... you can make one by making a account at a number of different sites like livejournal

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