
Wat is a good amp for 1000 RMS peak subs?

by  |  earlier

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the RMS is 750 : the subs are the JL 12W7




  1. 1000 rms peak ?   never go by peak,  what is the regular rms on the subs?  peak is nothing, always go by normal RMS. Match your normal RMS on the subs to the same RMS on the amp and it'll work perfect.

  2. Close but no cigar Johnny.

    The thing is that RMS and peak are different. Ignore peak because that means nothing, always go by RMS. If your subs are 1000 watts peak, they are actually 500 watts rms. If you miss reading it as 1000 watts rms and just putting as 1000 watts rms peak, then you need to look at that again.

    If your on a budget look into Crunch, they sell good amps that are CEA-2006 compliant. You always want to make sure that the amp is CEA-2006 compliant. So look into either a 2000 watts rms amp or a 1000 watt rms amp, depends on what the rms of the subs are.

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