
Wat is emotional intelligence?any good examples?

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Wat is emotional intelligence?any good examples?




  1. Emotional intelligence to me means that a person is unaffected by what other people's emotions are even though they empathize with them and understand their feelings.  This allows them to be sympathetic, kind etc. without being affected by the calamity themselves.  Of course, this also means that people can't really hurt them in any way...sounds cool huh?  I just wish I could meet someone like this :-)

  2. Emotional intelligence is understanding how emotions affect oneself and other people in various situations.  This helps you to  respond accordingly.  Having emotional intelligence would make you understand what you shouldn't say to someone because it might hurt their feelings.  For example if a woman says, "Do you like my new dress?" but you think it's the most hideous thing you've ever seen, your emotional intelligence would keep you from saying to her, "No I hate it!  It's the most hideous dress I've ever seen!"

    Instead you would look for something non-committal to say like, "It's a very nice color."

    Emotional intelligence is what helps you not only to empathize with others, but it helps you to be in tune with what's going on, when something is not quite right with someone you love or know really well.  For example, I can always tell, just by the sound of my their voices if something isn't right with one of my children.  I can read their faces as well and can tell when they are happy, sad, stressed, whatever.

  3. Emotional intelligence is an oxymoron! Emotions and rationality NEVER work well together! I'm married, trust me!

  4. emotional intelligence is the art of handling stress.It is usually used in job interviews to lay stress on candidates.

  5. Emotional intelligence is the innate potential to feel, use, communicate, recognize, remember, learn from, manage and understand emotions.

  6. Learning to name our emotions, feel them fully & to find their hidden meaning.

    (Read "Intelligent Emotions" by Frances Wilks..Arrow Books UK)

  7. no

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