
Wat is leterature?

by  |  earlier

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  1. No such word.

  2. Any written works that have withstood the test of time, have become classics, or are considered to be of cultural value, or interest are classified as Literature.

    These may include novels, plays, essay's, poems, and items like that.

  3. a misspelled word?

  4. I don't know. I've never heard of it.

    Do you mean: 'literature'?

  5. buks

  6. i dont think there's such a word. but it's spelt as "literature" instead. the pronounciation is the same though. :)

    as in (lee-ter-rae-ture) but said quickly

  7. What is Literature? Who Knows, What is Year 11 Literature? Its a really bad subject.

  8. it's literature

    1 written works, esp. those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit : a great work of literature. • books and writings published on a particular subject : the literature on environmental epidemiology. • the writings of a country or period : early French literature. • leaflets and other printed matter used to advertise products or give advice. 2 the production or profession of writing
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