
Wat is swering?

by Guest34503  |  earlier

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Wat is swering?




  1. Swearing..?

  2. To utter profanity!

  3. cursing

  4. Swearing?

    A "colorfull" vocabulary based on your emotions when you cannot express yourself.

    " Thats if you mean Swearing "

  5. *&^(%)$#@!

  6. Are you around 13yrs old? Not worth learning all the swearing and obscene words. They corrupt your friends, siblings, and later on the office environment. You will get less respect and many people will avoid you. In addition, used in the wrong places, for the wrong persons, WILL result in violence, injuries and 'unintentional murders'. So get jailed for nothing! So  Swearing  can be a dangerous and negative habit. Share good tips/advice with your close friends. :-))
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