
Wat is the best way to get better at surffing in vollyball?

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I want to join the vollyball team but i am scard i am not going to make it cuse i am not very good at surfing soo if there are anyone out there that can give me someadvise i would love it!




  1. practice makes perfect!!

  2. push ups if u know how to serve.don't be scared first of all.underhand servingg if you are right handed .stand with your right foot slightly ahead of your left .Hold the ball in your left hand almost directly infront of your right leg. you want to make contact with the meaty part of your hand make a fist it's the part thats still your hand but almost your as you swing your arm to hit the ball step forward with your left foot. keep your eyes on the ball!! that's what i always had trouble with. if you are left handed start with left foot forward hold the ball with  your right and step forward with right.OVERHAND Rhanded stand with your right foot forward hold the ball directly in front of you with 2 hand (it's easier) .your throw is everything practice throwing the ball up in the air and letting it hit the ground while stepping forward with your left foot it should land beside the inside of your left foot the ball should be between 3-5 feet above your head. after you've done that you can start hitting it.everything i told you above as you throw the ball up keep your hands up swing through with you right hand keeping your left hand up (it balences you)and stepping through with your want to hit the ball with the palm of your hand spread your fingers a part it pushs your palm out more.Just show the coach that you're dedicated and try your best and serving will come it's more for-arm passing you should work on.Last year was my first year playing i sucked but i tried really hard and i made the alstar team.Even if you don't make the team there is 3 parts to volly-ball School, Spring leage and camps during the summer they may have a spring leage where you live i don't know but don't give up .GOOD LUCK

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