
Wat is the importance of mumbai in india??

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  1. Finance and Business capital of India.  The importance cannot be measured in any terms with any other cities in India.

    It is a great place to work, do business, live and hyper active city.

  2. It was really important until Shiv Sainiks started s******g it up..!

    I don't want to visit Mumbai ever - or atleast till sainiks are ruling..!!

  3. Bollywood

  4. It is one india most booming and biggest city.It is home to bollywood famous for  its hollywood like productions.It is india's largest city

  5. Mumbai is definitely an awesome place and has Indians from all over India residing there(north, east, west, south Indians) all in one place.  For me, It's important because it represents diversity in terms of religion and subculture.  

    The fact that there are quite a few inter-subcultural marriages and inter-religion marriages says something about the freedom that most mumbai residents have compared to other major cities in India.  In my opinion, there's a certain coolness factor that exists only in Bombay because anything and everything happens there within and sometimes without limits

    I didn't even grow up in India but that's one city that I personally LOVE to many cool things about it.


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