
Wat is the minimum i should score in my final exam in order to succeed this subject??

by  |  earlier

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quiz1; 4/10

quiz2; 1.5/10

quiz3; 8.5/10

assgnmnt1; 9/10

assgnmnt2; 10/10

assgnmnt3; 15/15

midterm 29.869%

quizzes 25%

midterm 25%

assgnments 10%

final exam 45%

of the total grade..

i know its not total 100% but can u please tell me wat is the minimum i should score in order to succeed this subject thankuuuu




  1. I'm not sure what the passing grade is at your school. I will do this for both 50% and 60%.

    Quizzes: .1166667 out of .25

    Midterm: .0746725 out of .25

    Assignments: .0971429 out of .10

    For the first 60% of the grade, you have 48% of the total points.

    If you need 50% to pass the class, then you need a 47% on the final.

    If you need 60% to pass the class, then you need a 69% on the final

    NOTE: These numbers may not be completely accurate depending on whether the weightings of your grades are actually supposed to equal 105%. If it is only supposed to equal 100%, then you will need ~5% higher on your final.

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