
Wat is the most hated team in football other than the cowboys and the patriots?

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patriots are hated cuz they are good and dallas sux. ( tony romo needs to fall down a well) =) jus kidding. i hate the cowboys with a passion if u didnt already get tht




  1. I'm guessing the Raiders.

  2. dalllas cowboys kickkkk assssssssss

  3. Any team that is not the Steelers

  4. The Jets. Eric the woose nearly ruined the sport last year!

  5. Colts or Packers or Jets

    edit - oh yes I forgot the Raiders!!! thanks Solat!

  6. I would guess Cincy due to all the arrests.

    The Patriots are hated because they are good. The Cowboys are hated because they used to be good and no one has forgiven them for that yet.

    The Colts could be hated but they choke in the playoffs almost every season.

    The Chargers haven't been good long enough for people to get tired of hearing LT whine on a daily basis.

    The Pack has been good, then bad, then good, then bad so no one hates them yet.

    So I have to go with Cincy or TN because so many of their players get arrested.

  7. College - Ohio State....hands down with LSU a close second

    NFL is a toss up between Steelers and Eagles since you took the other two out.

  8. the colts!!! i hate that s****.Peyton Manning

  9. The Giants. Big market team, they're from the NY, people hate Eli, people hate Palixco and right now, they're the champs.  

  10. Its gotta be the Eagles.

    Overated, injury prone Qb-- along with the most classless fans in all of sprots.

  11. The Raiders....any self respecting football fan hates Oakland!

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