
Wat is the reason for creating alien crop circles?

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many alien groups are known to create crop-circles after they have landed or before takinf off...why do they do this??

is this some kinda message to eathlings??




  1. people make crop circles

  2. We make snow angels why not crop circles?

  3. if you can travel billions of miles across space, and find a planet you want to communicate with how would you do it? thats right! make stupid circles in their crops! no radio or any other kinds of direct contact, that would be far to effective! you need to make indecipherable symbols and hope for the best, that will be well worth the effort.

  4. The reason? Because people like to mess with others heads.

    Seriously, if aliens even WERE to come to our little insignificant planet, why would they bother to make patterns that for one, don't mean anything to us and secondly, leave straight after doing so?

    If they wanted to communicate with us then i'd think they'd show themselves, not their art work or the pattern the bottom of their ship leaves.

  5. I figure they are trying to communicate with us and we just can't decifer it yet.

    Also, their ship inprint perhaps does the job.

  6. All of the so called "alien" created crop circles in the UK have been proved to be the work of a dedicated human beings. When asked why they did it, they said that it was like climbing  mountains, because they could!  

  7. Corn and crops are such an easy canvas to paint on. I believe the few genuine ones are purely entertainment - because they can.

    Like lining up bottles to knock down  - it's just inviting.

    I believe this may have been going on for a very long time. The Cern abbott giant - who drew that? - or the original white horse?

    Look at Peru - they have lots too in stones - vast tracks and pictograms.

  8. Humans with ropes and boards create crop circles. Many people have confessed to doing it. That just shows that all crop circles are surely made by humans for various reasons. It's impossible for creatures from other planets to come here. Even if it was possible, why would they do all the silly things in the stories? It's mind-boggling to think for a moment that some advanced creatures would be crushing grain in elaborate patterns, abducting dumb people, examining them, mutilating cattle, etc. Occam's Razor is needed here. If one really thinks about the silly stories, he's sure to see they are just fantasy.

  9. You tell me.  Why would any intelligent life form come millions of miles away, just to leave "tire tracks"in the fields, when they could land at the airport, they would want to communicate with humans not cows and horses.  And even if they were unfriendly, a field full of hay, would hardly be the place they'd attact!  Whoever makes em, is either waiting to be on the 9 o'clock news or has very little to do with his time and mind!  And if it is the Aliens, my apologies, WELCOME!

  10. artistic expression

  11. I don't know why they would do this (if they aren't all hoaxes). I will be sure to ask former President Beeblebrox what the deal is with the crop circles next time I run into him.

    Many people believe they are some sort of message which makes me wonder why as far as I know not one single person on planet Earth has been polite enough to even try to respond. So if our entrance into any kind of alliance that has mastered space or dimensional travel depends on our etiquette the human race will remain isolated for a long time to come.


  12. First of all, 'many alien groups are known .' That's not completely true now, is it? Intergalactic vandalism? Alien graffiti?

    There's a lot more evidence that people make them than anything else. Some have openly admitted it. Example. Two Englishmen Bob and Dave had been making them since the 60s and thought it was getting out of hand.

    The famous 'alien face' circle? A circle fan found a small green LED light with a flatcell battery (an Earth one) at the side. It's more likely to be people than aliens.

    I''d love them to be true and some of them baffle me in complexity and beauty, however, we must go off the evidence. Students love hoaxing!

  13. Wouldn't it be funny if aliens made those circles with a flat board and a length of rope in exactly the same way that people do?

    Do you think it is likely that aliens fly millions of miles across the galaxy only to land in some blokes wheat field and make a funny pattern in his crop?

  14. They (people of earth) started out with a board and ropes.  They used string and other guidelines to make the designs.  Now they are using GPS equipped tractors.  It is much easier and they can make very complex designs.

    Many farmers are getting sick of this because the crop circles are getting large and cutting into their harvest.

    One big often overlooked facet of human nature:  It's fun to fool others, just plain fun.

  15. lol at Jonquill

  16. Watch this video and see how Real crop Circles are created:   This is how there made, there is a crop circle website that deciphers crop circles, here's the address and Don't let these brainwashed Idiots Ridicule you for asking a Legitimate question.

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