
Wat is the reason for goosebumps ? is it somethin paranormal?

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Wat is the reason for goosebumps ? is it somethin paranormal?




  1. If you ask my grandmother, she'll swear it means someone has walked on your grave! (or what will be your future grave I suppose)

  2. I think it's simply your bodies response to cold...even if it's something paranormal, you still get a shiver, like being cold, and that would be the reason again for the goosebumps.

  3. not paranormal no

  4. Wiki to the rescue!! I'd guess that it's because you're in a "cold spot"...where a ghost is. Maybe they drain all the heat out. IDK..(BUT WIKI KNOWS!!!!)

  5. maybe if we get a creepy feeling or so.

    But i do know its to help hold in heat from escaping us  when we r cold, it sounds weird bcuz when we r usually cold we get them but yeah, thast basically the reason.

    And probably bcuz of the first reason to

  6. Nothing paranormal about it.Watch a frightened cat or dog.You can see the hair stand up and puff out.It's the same with goosebumps.The response occurs when it's cold as well.It's evidence of evolution.Our ancestors with the  flight or fight response.Lived to reproduce.They were also warmer in winter.With the insulation, puffed up hair gave them.

  7. no, its when your cold your body makes your hairs stand on end to keep you warm.

  8. goes back to when we were a lot hairier when you are cold the hairs stand up and trap air giving you more insulation. Also when you are scared this happens and would make an animal look bigger to warn off whatever is scaring it

  9. when we still had hair all over our bodies and got scared our hair would puff that we are naked all we see is the raised skin bumps with no hair on top to be puffed...becase the goosebumps made the hair stand straigh!

  10. of corse not!!!! everyone gets them when they are scared or cold

  11. Goose bumps are created when tiny muscles at the base of each hair, known as arrectores pilorum, contract and pull the hair erect. The reflex is started by the sympathetic nervous system, which is in general responsible for many fight-or-flight responses.

  12. No, it's not paranormal.  Here's a concise explanation:

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