
Wat is this goin on?

by  |  earlier

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First it was sunni ,Shia Fight, then Muslims & Ahmadies Now it's Arabs & Ajams. Wat a nice united Ummah we have Mashallah. No wonder our enemies no how to attack us.




  1. what the heck is an ajam

    never heard of one.

    oh and shia bashers are really not jealous of shias. wonder where you got that idea....

  2. why u acting like pu$$y cat..

  3. it is terrible!!    

  4. 72 sections darling !!

    u cant deny it  

  5. According to a Hdith of prophet Muhammad(pbuh) Islam becomes 72 groups and only one of them is accepted by God.InshaAlla we are the one that is the straight.

  6. You dint have to point it out.. you just made it worse..  

  7. wats an ajam ?


    no reli wats an ajam .. someone..

    ....- why wud shia wana be in ur stupid ummah for non muslims

  8. maybe your right.

  9. I believe it still is an issue of the Rawaafidh.

    You see the "Arab Racists" are none other than the Rawaafidh Shee'ah. They've exposed that before in their vein attempts and many of the Rawaafidh Shee'ah are supporting them in it. But it's very subtle, some of the questions have been deleted where you can see it, but you can see the promotion of the Shee'ah of the Racism towards the Arabs. Of course this is not ALL the Shee'ah, some of them are completely oblivious to it that the Pakistani and Iraanian Shee'ahs are taking these waste of time attacks.

    Just compare the spelling errors and the grammar errors and the methodology of typing and posting. (Criminology and forensic studies does pay off with this). And if that doesn't convince you, run an IP scan on them.

    Their attempts are pathetic.

    And as for the Iranian racist attacks then it seems to me to be a reaction to the Arab racist attacks. It's NOT correct for the person to do and he/she needs to fear Allaah.

    Baatil is NOT responded to with Baatil.

    As for the Shee'ah Rawaafidh, the Ahmadiyyah, Khawaarij, Mu'tazilah and all these deviant sects then there is never unity with them

    Unity is upon Tawheed and Sunnah NOT shirk and bid'ah.

    This is a general principle of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa'ah.

    The enemies of Islaam are not only the open enemies of the Kuffaar, but they are also the hidden enemies claiming Islaam.

    That's how Ibn Saba' al Yahoodee created the extremism of Tashayyu' which gave rise to the Rawaafidh.

  10. Islam is one Ummah

    Shias and Ahmadis and nationalists are not in this Ummah !

  11. Ahmadies were  never a part of our  ummah

  12. well i agree with you!

    all muslims should live in PEACE
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