
Wat is tourist attractions in argentina?

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also wat are current issues in argentina and their government

their history




  1. A friend mine recently returned from Argentine, She was very excited. She toldme that this is a lovely place to live. Mendoza was one of her favourite places. September and October are the best months to enjoy this country since the wheather is pleasant in those months. If you are loking for lodging, transport or restaurants or info avout recomended cities, this is one website where you can find info:

  2. nice try passing ur homework assignment to others. Read a book on Argentine history- its too detailed to answer in an answers page.

    Major tourist attractions are in Buenos Aires: the plata madera is their touristy boardwalk in the microcentro part of town. The other major tour-hive is of course Recoleta, which is both the cemetery of the famous Eva Peron and her husband Juan Peron, and a tourist shopping district. The last one is the Calle Florida- BA's big shopping street.

  3. There's no such thing as Plata Madera, it is Puerto Madero.

    The current issues are economic and political.  It is still recovering from an economic crisis at the end of 2001 that destroyed the country's credit rating and ability to attract foreign investment.  They have been riding the wave of the commodities boom the last few years, but deficit spending and inflation is about to cause another crisis in the next few years.  The current President is a populist that has no interest in long term stbility, just spending his way out of confrontations with pressure groups.  He has started to consolidate power by redistricting in Buenos Aires and splitting the Peronist party into different factions.  He will leave a big mess for the next President if he gets re-elected the end of this year.  If not, there is a chance to reform before it's too late again.  If it happens again, it will be the 5th major economic crisis since 1975.  Each one of them a mini-depression.  It is nothing like a recession in the US.

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