
Wat is your version of saving a marriage if a marriage is in danger.?

by  |  earlier

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Name something that you would do differently




  1. I tried everything even marriage conselfing 4 times, nothing worked!  The only thing that worked [please don't laugh] was this small bed mattress that I finally got my wife to sleep with me tightly together at night in the same bedroom.  Now we snuggle up together very tightly.  I cannot believe that a small bed mattress pretty much did it!  All the frustration, the stress, the anginess, the sadness and the depression its like it all went away!  

  2. wouldnt do it

  3. it takes two to save a marriage, one person cannot do it alone. If I were to go back, I'd have realized that and thus realized that my exes inaction and total emotional apathy were hopeless and that I was not solely responsible for holding up every end of the marriage.  It was time wasted.

    Some marriages shouldn't be saved, some should never have happened.

  4. Most problems are either money or s*x, so try to keep the finances in check and spice it up in the bedroom, some people say not just s*x, change it up a bit, something to think about maybe be a little freaky in the room.

  5. Both partners need to work on a failing marriage. Communication is key.

  6. More s*x followed by more conversation.

  7. ask your mate what needs he/she is not getting and listen to their answers.  then decide if you are able and willing to tackle those needs that they need.  if they are do-able things, not way out in left field, start doing them.  religiously.  after a while your mate will either start to change for the better if this effort is successful.   after a while of taking care of the other, let them know what your needs are and see if they reciprocate.  good luck...

  8. Divorced twice guess i dont have a version of saving one and i sure wouldnt do anything any different to change things being that i did   nothing wrong .  

  9. communication has a big part  and role in a good marriage . though it is not always easy  if you cant communicate with your spouse you might as well call it quits .

  10. I'll talk with my wife and ask her whats wrong so that i can change. If you done something wrong then you have to change it and never do it again. You have to give more quality time to your family and more communication to your wife.

  11. Decide first if you want to, or should, stay in the marriage, particularly if there is abuse involved. If you love your spouse and want to stay married, do some serious talking. No putting pride or self righteousness in the way, just honest talk about your feelings and what is important to you, and understanding and acknowledging your spouse's point of view. Both people have to be willing to put forth a real effort to save the marriage.  One person can try but eventually the other person has to join in and put their heart into it or it isn't going to happen.

  12. Prayer, Counselling, and worse case scenario Divorce!

  13. Listen more and not jump to the wrong conclusions

  14. Anyone whose marriage is in trouble should read

    The proper Care and Feeding of Husbands by Dr. Laura.  

    I think the #1 problem of today , is women don't let their men just be men.  

    This book really gave me a new perspective and  helped me to be a better wife.  

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