
Wat iz the best and low risk method/strategy to catch as many snakes as humanly possible?

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my friend and i are plannin 2 go and hunt for snakes in a few days, but we r not so sure if we will find any snakes in the area we will be hunting in.

i just need a strategy that will help us attract snakes. i love snakes and i want 2 catch and tame as many as posible. plus the place wher i liv in iz manifested by rats. so ther'z no harm in feeding snakes and reducing da rat population, rite???




  1. lots of snakes by railroad tracks! but watch out that is tresspassing lol.

  2. I don't approve of amateurs taking "as many snakes as humanly possible"out of the wild, and I CERTAINLY don't approve of attempts to translocate them.

    Leave the wild snakes alone.

  3. You're kidding, right? Have you checked the laws in your area? Most places have laws designed to keep people from doing what you're planning. I go looking for snakes, but I take a picture and leave them alone. Wild caught snakes make poor pets. So you think you're going to tame them down and make good pets out of them? I highly doubt that. I honestly hope you don't find any.

    EDIT: Well, it's all making sense now. I just read the asker's previous questions and found several of them to be extremely disturbing, especially the one about wanting to have s*x with his cousin. Am I the only one hearing the banjo from the movie "Deliverance" in the background?

  4. Dude... Who are you trying to be Steve Irwin? Dont catch snakes man leave them alone is you wana get the rats out then buy snakes from the Petstore and do it. Leave the wild snakes alone dude.

  5. Wrong.

    By removing snakes from their natural habitat, you're raising the population of whatever they were eating, so you're s******g up a whole other ecosystem.

    If you have rats, get a Ratter, not a snake. A Ratter is usually just a tabby cat that you can buy that was 'trained' to catch and kill rats.

    Snakes don't eat every day, some only once a week or every couple of weeks. By the time the snake was ready to eat again, the population would have increased.


    Buy a Ratter.

  6. dont if u really love snakes you'll leave them be

    keeping wild caught snakes is cruel.

    ok some wild caught (WC) snakes just die im captivity no real reason it just happens add this the number that die from stress stress related disease then ur hitting quite a high number. also wc snakes have shortened lifespans stress related behaviour disorders and tend to get ill easy. wc almost never have a good quality of life its cruel to the animal.

    moving snakes (especially large numbers of snakes) to a new location can do untold damage to the local environment upset pred/pray numbers and damage the food chain causing established predators to suffer.

    its cruel u want a snake get one form the pet store u have no idea what kinda of environmental damage u will be doing to other wildlife and what physical and metal damage u could (and probably will) do to the snakes u catch

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