
Wat make bento so different from others?

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i mean, bento is basically rice and vegetables with meat, which we also eat everyday. BEsides from the bento lunch box and its japanese decoration there shouldn't be anything differnent from others rite?




  1. Ask a Japanese person


    I believe it has traditional sushi, not the classic American-Asian 'california rolls' or wutever

  2. In my opinion, it's because of the mass-produced sushi.

    Fish is WAY more popular in Japan, because they're so close to the ocean.

    American-born citizens (that I know of) who do eat sushi, don't carry it to school/work in a bento box.

    It IS the same every-day ingredients, but most of the time it's raw, and packed into sushi.

  3. It is definitely different because it taste soooo good. The spices & combination of various types of ingredients are so interesting & simple.  It is so different from our foods that we are used to like hamburgers & hot dogs. The Japanese bento is edible & filing not to mention healthier.  Reasonable too.  It just hits the spot....

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