
Wat makeup would look good on me?

by  |  earlier

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i have no makeup on here and this was a pic from last month or so. yes ino i have ALOT of freckles dont want to cover them up though. i mostly want a good foundation ideas, and wat shade i would choose.









  1. I have red hair and lots of freckles too and you look about the same age as me so here are my tips/ideas:

    Black Eyeliner


    Absolutely no pink eyeshadow(it makes me look really pale and may have the same effect on you)

    I don't wear any foundation so I have no tips on that one.

    Have fun makeup shopping, and good luck!

  2. juss a lil bit of black

    eyeliner. thats it. juss to make

    your eyes pop!.  =]]

  3. oh my goodness you are really pretty! i would stick to the light shades of foundation because you seem to have fair skin. i wouldn't use black eyeliner or mascara though because of your coloring, try a dark brown. as for the eyeshadow since your eyes are amazing you can experiment with different colors and use your fav :)

  4. use a dark brown eyeliner and mascara because you have lighter hair.

    i would also suggest a peach-colored lip gloss (if you wear lipgloss).

    all you ahve to do for foundation is find one that matches your skin tone.... test them out at the store on a small part of your face before you buy it. i personally like the maybelline pure makeup, its 50 percent water so it blends really nice.

    and for eyeshadow a simple gold-beige type thing would work.

    and you are very pretty by the way =]

  5. use bare minerals foundation because i have lots of freackles and if you apply it correctly it wont cover them but it will even your tone, use  a black liner on your top and bottom lashline, with black mascara, no eyeshadow your to young it will make you look trashy, but you should also try using bare minerals brow correcting powder because you look like you have no eyebrows, if you want lipcolor try bare minerals color gelato its my favorite, check out the bareminerals products at

  6. Awww, you are so cute! If I was you I wouldn't wear any foundation. I love your freckles! My skin is plain and pale so your lucky! Just use black eyeshadow above your lashes (a thin line, it makes it look very pretty) and eyeliner on the bottom lid. You don't need alot of makeup because your gorgeous without it! You can put mascara on also if you'd like it to look a little thicker. =D

  7. hey i hope you don't mind me saying, but i think your freckles are really cute, even if you have lots. i think they just add to your unique beauty.

    and if you really don't like them, well don't worry they will fade as you get older...  

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